What Is Leosa?

What is LEOSA for Active and Retired Law Enforcement Officers? Today’s topic might run a bit longer than usual, but if you’re a police officer or retired officer, this is information you’ll want to know. What is LEOSA? LEOSA stands for the Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act, also known as HR 218. It was signed […]

If the Driver Refuses to Roll Down Window, Can Cops Break It?

All right, can an officer break a window to remove a non-compliant driver? This question comes from an officer in Indiana. First, I want to apologize to this officer. This question was submitted a while ago, and unfortunately, it slipped through the cracks. That’s on me, and I appreciate your patience. I always strive to […]

Can You Order Someone to Roll-Down Their Window During a Traffic Stop?

Can an officer order a driver to roll down their windows during a traffic stop? This comes from an officer in Arizona, where it’s common for vehicles to have dark tinted windows, making it difficult to see inside. As the cover officer, are drivers required to roll down their windows? Since not being able to […]

Can Officer Compel Rolling Up Windows for Window Tint Inspection?

This question comes from someone in Texas. To be honest, I’m not sure whether it’s from an officer or a citizen, but that’s okay. Here’s the scenario: An officer pulls over a car for suspected illegal window tint. The driver rolls down all the windows before the officer even reaches the vehicle. Can the officer […]

Is Chocking Open the Door During Knock and Talk a Search or Seizure?

I wanted to share a question that a student asked in class. I think this is an important topic, so I hope you find it valuable. The question was whether officers conducting a knock-and-talk may place their foot in the front door to prevent it from closing while talking to the occupant, without implicating the […]

Can Police Search a Shoplifters Purse for Evidence Without a Formal Arrest?

This question comes from an officer in Colorado: “Can police search a shoplifting suspect’s purse for evidence without making an arrest?” The answer is yes—not just in Colorado, but likely in most jurisdictions. Let’s break it down. General Rule: If you have probable cause that someone has committed a crime, you can search them for […]

Major Case!!! Caniglia v. Strom – Community Caretaking and Red Flag Laws

All right, everyone, let’s talk about Caniglia v. Strom, decided by the U.S. Supreme Court on May 17, 2021. I’ve been discussing this case for months now, and my students frequently ask for my opinion on it. Let me share some background and explain why this is such an important case on two major fronts: […]

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