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Federal Concealed Carry

Are you curious about the ins and outs of carrying concealed under HR218? Look no further! Our comprehensive training is designed to provide you with all the essential information you need to navigate the intricacies of HR218 with confidence.

Your Questions Answered:

1. Who is Covered under HR218?: Understand the scope of HR218 and determine if you qualify for concealed carry privileges under this legislation. Explore the specific categories of law enforcement officers and retirees covered by HR218, ensuring you have clarity on your eligibility.

2. Permissible Concealed Weapons: Learn about the types of weapons that can be legally carried concealed under HR218. Gain insights into the restrictions and limitations, empowering you to make informed choices when selecting your concealed carry weapon.

3. High-Capacity Magazines in Restrictive States: Navigate the complexities of carrying high-capacity firearms in states with restrictive regulations. Discover the nuances and potential challenges associated with off-duty officers carrying high-capacity weapons, ensuring you can navigate these scenarios with confidence and compliance.

4. Requirements for Retired Officers: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the specific requirements retired officers must fulfill to qualify for concealed carry privileges under HR218. Ensure you meet all necessary criteria, allowing you to exercise your rights without any legal complications.

5. Coverage for Reserve Officers: Explore the provisions of HR218 concerning reserve officers. Understand the extent to which this legislation applies to reserve officers and the potential considerations and requirements they need to fulfill.

Don’t miss the opportunity to unlock the knowledge and insights required to lawfully carry under HR218. Register now!

Course Introduction

1. Instructor introduction.

2. Explain the course objective.

  • Understand when you can carry a concealed weapon.
  • Understand what weapons are acceptable.
  • Understand the requirements to carry a concealed weapon.

3. Encourage attendees to ask questions and share feedback with other attendees.

4. Explain that certificates will be emailed after the class and each student will be registered in the Blue to Gold University.

5. Go over the three disclaimers:

  • Laws and agency standard operating procedures may be more restrictive. Blue to Gold teaching the federal standard unless otherwise stated. Therefore, students must know their state and local requirements in addition to the federal standard.
  • If students have any doubts about their actions, ask a supervisor or legal advisor.
  • The course is not legal advice, but legal education. Therefore, nothing we teach should be interpreted as legal advice. Check with your agency’s legal advisor for legal advice.


Module One – LEOSA Basics

1. Why LEOSA

2. Three Purposes of LEOSA

3. Privilege, or Right?

4. Where Can I Carry


Module Two – Active Duty

1. Law Enforcement Officers

2. Arrest Powers

3. Authority to Carry

4. Qualify

5. Not Prohibited

6. Not Under the Influence

7. ID


Module Three – Retirees

1. Law Enforcement

2. Arrest Powers

3. Ten Years

4. Qualify

5. Not Prohibited

6. Not under the Influence

7. Police ID


Module Four – FAQ’s


Module Five – The Future

1. Improving LEOSA

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Current reviews for Federal Concealed Carry

1 Review


Lonnie Brown

Excellent Training, been in law enforcement almost 4 years and never received training to this level of detail with LEOSA do's/Don'ts Thank you! thank you! thank you!

All Students receive

Certificate of Completion

Free Search & Seizure Ebook

Attorney - Senior Legal Instructor

At Blue to Gold Law Enforcement Training, we specialize in transforming complex legal principles into actionable knowledge for officers. Our team, including experts who have real-world experience as police officers and district attorneys, brings decades of hands-on experience in both the field and classroom. Our mission is clear: to enhance officer safety and community trust through a deep understanding of case law. Our courses are designed to be engaging and relevant, ensuring officers can confidently apply what they learn in real-world situations. By focusing on critical areas such as search and seizure and the limits of police authority, we aim to minimize legal errors and promote effective, ethical policing. Choose Blue to Gold for training that prepares you to make the right decisions when it counts.


Michael Nipper
Michael Nipper
Great class everyone that’s wants a basic understanding on how and when to run a K9 should take this class.
Mike Trenkle
Mike Trenkle
Good information on 1 st amendment with cop and cameras. Thanks for taking the time to make us better officers.
Marc Wolfe
Marc Wolfe
Blue to Good Law Enforcement Training is great all around from their training course to their customer service. I ordered a package book set and in the set they sent me one of the wrong books which I reached out about. Richard Bandiero immediately got back to me and sent out the correct book. Richard was extremely helpful and professional in a timely manner.
Coley Hebrard
Coley Hebrard
Great information, well paced and knowledgeable instruction. Great job.
Amanda Williams
Amanda Williams
Cops and Cameras is a great class! Anthony is such an amazing instructor!
Edna Cordner
Edna Cordner
Highly recommend!
I attended the ND Southwest Crime Conference. The Conference was phenomenal. Anthony knew how to engage the classroom. All of the training he provided was by far the best training I have ever been to so far. Blue to Gold definitely knows their stuff and can possibly shape the way we do our jobs as modern police!
Patrick Howle
Patrick Howle
It’s fascinating to learn about the diverse ways different police departments operate across various states. Each one has its unique procedures, challenges, and approaches to maintaining safety and order.
oscar perez
oscar perez
Great training that was very beneficial and clearly explained. Highly recommended for all levels of law enforcement.

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