Can You Search a Driver or Passenger Based on a K9 Alert on a Vehicle?

Today, we have another question about search and seizure, this time from an officer in the state of Virginia. The officer asks: If a positive canine alert for drugs occurs on a vehicle, does that give you the right to search the driver and passengers for drugs? The short answer is: Generally, it gives you […]
Advice for New Officers, When Can I Search a Car?

Understanding Probable Cause in Law Enforcement: Insights for New Officers As a new officer in law enforcement, one of the questions that can often arise during traffic stops is how to determine when you have enough probable cause to search a vehicle. It’s not always immediately clear, and the decision-making process can seem ambiguous at […]
Does an Open Container Allow Further Search of a Motor Vehicle?

Today’s question comes from an officer in Texas. Here’s the scenario: A Texas officer conducts a traffic stop for speeding. While interacting with the driver, the officer observes a can of beer in the center console. The driver confirms that it’s an open beer. In Texas, an open container violation is not an arrestable offense, […]
Can Officer Compel Rolling Up Windows for Window Tint Inspection?

This question comes from someone in Texas. To be honest, I’m not sure whether it’s from an officer or a citizen, but that’s okay. Here’s the scenario: An officer pulls over a car for suspected illegal window tint. The driver rolls down all the windows before the officer even reaches the vehicle. Can the officer […]
Conducting Warrantless Vehicle Searches

Today, I’m going to teach you the four essential elements you need before conducting a warrantless vehicle search. Element 1: Probable Cause This might seem obvious, but you must have probable cause to believe the vehicle contains contraband or evidence of a crime. Without this foundation, you cannot proceed with the search. Element 2: Lawful […]
Searching Bags Outside the Vehicle Under Carroll

So, I received a question from a cop in Texas. He says, “The discussion came up during our K9 training group about being able to search a person’s personal property—backpack, purse, etc.—if it was removed from the vehicle prior to the free-air sniff and alert by the canine. My understanding is that if the property […]
Is Drinking From What Looks Like a Beer Bottle RS for a Stop?

Does drinking from a brown glass bottle, similar to what a beer bottle looks like, give an officer reason to suspect a violation and stop someone to investigate a potential open container violation or DUI? So, look, this question comes from a retired officer who wanted to bring something to my attention. He was in […]
What is the Motor Vehicle Exception?

The automobile, or motor vehicle exception allows officers to search cars for evidence, contraband, and fruits or instrumentalities of crimes without a search warrant. When you ask cops, “What does it take to search these cars?” Many of them will just say, “Probable cause.” Well, let’s be technical, Technically, legally, there are four factors to […]
Single Purpose Container Doctrine

Today’s question is from an officer in Indiana; Would the single purpose container doctrine allow cops to search a vehicle’s hidden compartment? The first thing we want to learn is: What is a single purpose container? The single purpose container doctrine basically says that some containers, due to their shape, weight, size, material and the […]
Vehicle Trunk Search

This question came from an officer in New Jersey. Can police search the trunk of a car on the motor vehicle exception? The hypothetical goes something like this: patrol was notified of a suspicious person and vehicle. They found a male under the influence of heroin located right outside the vehicle. A semi-conscious female was […]
Vehicle Search on Curtilage

We have a great question here today from an officer in the great state of Texas. Alright, so the question is, “Can you search a vehicle on curtilage with exigency?” And let’s go to the scenario. The officer is called to a noise complaint. Upon arrival at a house, he sees a car in the […]
Consent from Non-Owner to Search Vehicle

Let’s talk about non-owners of vehicles and getting their consent to search, and a few twists on that as well. My name is Anthony Bandiero, answering another roadside chat question. Alright, this question comes from an officer in Minnesota. He says, “Could a driver of a motor vehicle who is not the owner, consent to […]