What Factors Can Help to Justify a Vehicle Frisk for Weapons?

Today’s question comes from an officer in Las Vegas: What factors can justify frisking a vehicle for weapons? This is an important question. We’re all familiar with Terry v. Ohio, which allows officers to frisk individuals if they can articulate that the person is armed and dangerous. This standard, while not very high, requires specific, […]

What Is Leosa?

What is LEOSA for Active and Retired Law Enforcement Officers? Today’s topic might run a bit longer than usual, but if you’re a police officer or retired officer, this is information you’ll want to know. What is LEOSA? LEOSA stands for the Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act, also known as HR 218. It was signed […]

If the Driver Refuses to Roll Down Window, Can Cops Break It?

All right, can an officer break a window to remove a non-compliant driver? This question comes from an officer in Indiana. First, I want to apologize to this officer. This question was submitted a while ago, and unfortunately, it slipped through the cracks. That’s on me, and I appreciate your patience. I always strive to […]

Can You Order Someone to Roll-Down Their Window During a Traffic Stop?

Can an officer order a driver to roll down their windows during a traffic stop? This comes from an officer in Arizona, where it’s common for vehicles to have dark tinted windows, making it difficult to see inside. As the cover officer, are drivers required to roll down their windows? Since not being able to […]

Chinaryan versus the LAPD

Can police use highly intrusive tactics like pointing guns and proning out people during a routine high risk traffic stop for a stolen vehicle?  We have to talk about Chinaryan versus the LAPD. It all begins on June 14, 2019 when the LAPD conducted a high risk traffic stop on a black Chevy Suburban with […]

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