Extending Traffic Stop to Get Consent

Can police continue to ask for consent if the person is not giving an answer? This question is from an officer in Minnesota. Basically he asks this; “Say I’m looking for consent to search a motor vehicle. I asked the person if they would allow me to search their car, they beat around the bush […]

Reasonable Suspicion Stop for a Texas Buyer Tag

Did the Texas buyer plate give the officer proper reasonable suspicion to make the traffic stop? So this officer sees a vehicle at almost midnight in an area that’s kind of known for high crime and so forth, and sees a vehicle bearing a Texas buyer’s plate. Okay, so here is the reason why the […]

Are Passengers Allowed to Leave The Traffic Stop?

The question that we have this time is:  Are passengers free to leave a traffic stop? The short answer is “NO.” Here’s why. The US Supreme Court has stated in a few decisions that passengers are seized under the Fourth Amendment when they are in a vehicle during a traffic stop. So they are seized. […]

Searching a Parked and Unoccupied Car in New Jersey with PC

Can New Jersey police officers search a parked and unoccupied car with probably cause? Great question. My name is Anthony Bandiero. I’m an attorney and senior legal instructor for Blue to Gold Law Enforcement Training. I do teach in New Jersey, and I’m a licensed New Jersey attorney. This answer is obviously going to be […]

Abandoned or Junked Vehicle

This is a question that comes up a lot.  I’m being very proactive about this issue, which is:  Can police tag an abandoned or junked vehicle when it’s on curtilage? Okay, here is the scenario.  There’s a new ordinance.  This comes out of the great state of Louisiana.  There’s an ordinance that directs police officers […]

Ordering Hidden Occupants Out of A Vehicle

How can police order potentially smuggled people in a van out? My name is Anthony Bandiero, attorney and senior legal instructor for Blue to Gold Law Enforcement Training, bringing this question from officer in Illinois. The officer says, “Would it be a Fourth Amendment violation by entering a full size van? It’s about 95 degrees […]

Can Police Officers Open a Car Door for ID Check?

Can officers open a car door if the driver refuses to identify themselves? I’m Anthony Bandiero, attorney and senior legal instructor for Blue to Gold Law Enforcement Training. This question comes from an Officer in Arizona. Here is the scenario. An officer basically makes a traffic stop, and the driver is refusing to identify themselves, […]

Breaking a Car Window to Retrieve A Firearm

This one is a good one. It comes from an officer from Southern California. The question is, “Can cops break a car window to retrieve a firearm that is evidence?” Let me give you the background here. This was a computer call for service. The victim says that she was assaulted with a gun. The […]

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