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United States v. Grubbs


The defendant purchased contraband from a web site operated by an undercover officer. The government sought an anticipatory search warrant. The contingency of the search was based on probable cause that would exist if โ€œthe parcel has been received by a person(s) and has been physically taken into the residence.โ€ The magistrate accepted the affidavit and issued a search warrant. The search occurred two days later after the defendantโ€™s wife signed for the parcel and took it into the premises.


Whether a warrant can be issued based on probable cause that is not yet in existence (but is anticipated)?


Yes. The Fourth Amendmentโ€™s requirement that โ€œno Warrants shall issue, but upon probable causeโ€ demands probable cause to exist at the time of the search, not the issuance.


The Supreme Court held that probable cause to sustain a search warrant need only be present at the time the search is conducted. In this light, all search warrants are โ€œanticipatoryโ€ in that the government has established probable cause that the offending items will be present at the time of the search. The Court stated that โ€œ[A]nticipatory warrants are, therefore, no different in principle from ordinary warrants. They require the magistrate to determine (1) that it is now probable that (2) contraband, evidence of a crime, or a fugitive will be on the described premises (3) when the warrant is executed.โ€ Anticipatory warrants additionally require a condition to exist before the search warrant can be executed.


547 U.S. 90, 126 S. Ct. 1494 (2006)

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